This is the cutting edge tech device in religious business : praise meter!!
you can buy it for 3$ in holy cities like Mashhad.
every time you say "praise and greeting to God Mohammad and his descendants"
you must push the button and it counts your praises. then you can write down your praise count and use it in judgment day ;]
you can buy it for 3$ in holy cities like Mashhad.
every time you say "praise and greeting to God Mohammad and his descendants"
you must push the button and it counts your praises. then you can write down your praise count and use it in judgment day ;]

اين "نيايش سنج" شما همزمان كار "فضول سنج" هم ميكنه گويا... يه بار هم واسه ما فشار بده :D
what was the name of that line or rope we would walk through??? to be judged.
don't remember.
burning in hell for that I suppose.
of course you will burn in hell for your ignorance!!
it's serat bridge :)
I always wondered about those who couldn't make it and would drop off the bridge before being judged as I've heard the bridge is as thin as a hair string.Where would they end up in?
*Jokingly* What if you praise God in religions other than Islam? Does the thing go into the negative counter or something? Haha!
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