
Bam is gone now, thousands of people are gone too ..
we cry,we run to help,
death helps us to remember life.
we need more death, we need it more to make us wonder
Tehran is gone now , millions of people are gone too ..
we cry,we run to help,
death helps us to remember life.
we need more death, we need it more to make us wonder


I've been trying for some time to develop a lifestyle that doesn't require my presence.
Gary Trudeau (1948 - )
I love quotations,
When you start to read quotations you think "emMm, what a nice or wise statement"
But after years of reading, now I can say we are falling down to the power and glory of the words.
It seems that that "true" and "false" have no meaning.
"true" is an statement which has a better decoration. It simply seems true to you
That's all.

If you like quotations, check the Quotations Page, I'm addicted to its random quotations.


O , my daily hassle
O , my nightly nightmare ..
O , Crystal reports 9 !
would you please right align your cross-tab reports ?
cos there are some fucking languages like farsi
which must be written right to left.


Damn to DCI (Data Communications of IRAN).
They filtered my favorite nude site (DOMAI)


I wanna buy two chipsets which cost 40$ , thats ok ,
but I should pay 60$ for shipping ,
damn !
we are No.1 in list of the worst postal services, as it expected to be.
I went to the dentist today for a root cleaning and a filling. I tried not to look at the needle that they were sticking in my mouth, Ugh. I started to feel numb after a matter of seconds. I hate the feeling. Now my face is puffy and I had the driest mouth I could ever imagine.
Kids, don't forget to brush and floss and use your WaterPik.
put up with a little hassle every morning and evening or suffer a lot every year!


this week we migrated our restaurant point of sale software from .NET 1.0 to .NET 1.1 and it fucked up our life. our interface is based on datagrid and it's somehow changed in .NET 1.1 , for example cells can't get keyup event !! but they receive keydown event !
whatever , it's over and now we are "with it!"


when somebody like shirin ebadi talks about comaptiblity between islam and human rights , what the hell we can do ? how we can say , that's not right !
I want to revise this article about comaptiblity between islam and human rights.
if you can help, I will be very grateful.


Mr President , It's time for retirement ...
(or it's too late ?!?)

" You must remember this
A kiss is just a kiss, a sigh is just a sigh.
The fundamental things apply
As time goes by. "


It seems that tourism may solve all of our problems, even political ones.
when hundreds of iranians are legally kidnapped by our government, nobody cares about , but when three european are kidnapped it's a crisis.
viva tourism !


A Swiss-based underwear maker has developed a high-tech bra which it claims will help to quit smoking thanks to perfumed capsules which give cigarettes an unpleasant taste.I hope this help our chain smoker guys/gals ;)



Last night we tried the cocktail of the month in a coffee shop
And nobody noticed.
Islamic punishments include 40 to 80 lashes of the whip for drinking alcohol
So it was so exciting to drink alcohol in a public place.
3 shots of vodka in a glass of sweet coffee mix.
Give it a try ;)


It takes one hour to write an optimized stored procedure in ms sql
And eight hours to show results it in crystal reports 9.
I don’t know why there’s no good alternative for this crappy software.


two years ago I heard this quotation :
"French is the language of love, C# is for everything else."
and I laughed to it. now I see :
C# in windows applications (.NET framework)
C# in web applications(ASP .NET)
C# in mobile devices (Compact .NET framework)
C# in sql databases (Yukon)
C# in chipsets (Embedded C# Project)
and I wonder.
nazanin afshar jam was crowned miss world canada 2003.
thanks to nose reconstruction! technology© , many persian girls can nominate themselves as miss world ;)